Until January 31, 2023, everyone can listen to webinars and, after passing a short test, receive a personalized online certificate.
Webinar 3
“Do No Harm: Ways to Support Survivors of Violence”

The prevalence of violence against women and girls in all its forms is already like a pandemic. According to the World Health Organization, one in three women experience intimate partner violence. 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an international campaign held every year to raise awareness of the call to end all forms of gender-based violence.
In an effort to end violence against women and girls in our region, REAct will host the third in a series of webinars on “Do No Harm: Ways to Support Survivors of Violence”. We will consider the key tools for effective assistance to the victim, stabilization of her condition, discuss what should be taken into account and what to avoid, we will talk about interaction with law enforcement agencies in cases of violence. And also, we will dwell on secondary traumatization and methods of its prevention.
The webinars will be held on December 5, 7 and 9, 2022 and will be simultaneously translated into Russian, English, Ukrainian, BHS, Georgian. At the end of the three webinars, participants will be able to take a test and receive an online certificate.
Webinar №1 December 05, 2022
“Why does she endure? Causes, Preconditions, and Types of Violence in Relationships”
What is violence and how does it differ from conflict? Why does violence occur in relationships and how does it become routine? What happens in a relationship before he hits her for the first time? “Wheel of violence”: why do women often return to the abuser? “Retrieved Helplessness Syndrome”: why is a woman afraid to defend herself? Can an abuser stop?
The recording of webinar 1 is available at the link. You need to go to the link and enter the code 1ro820$2 . You can then select the recording language by clicking the globe-shaped button.
Presentation is available here.
Webinar №2 December 07, 2022
“Portrait of an offender: How Stereotypes Turn into a Fist”
We will consider the psychological portrait of the offender – how to recognize the rapist? Based on a study in a Canadian prison, why do obedient boys grow up to kill women? How do beliefs and stereotypes fuel domestic violence? Warning signals: how to understand that he will soon hit her (Study “Murder Graph”). Mechanisms for the prevention of violence in society.
The recording of webinar 2 is available at the link. You need to go to the link and enter the code 35J1xq$p . You can then select the recording language by clicking the globe-shaped button.
Presentation is available here.
Webinar №3 December 09, 2022
“Do No Harm: Ways to Support Survivors of Violence”
We will look at how to properly help the victim and what (not-) should be done during a conversation with the victim. “My police protect me”: how to properly interact with law enforcement agencies in cases of violence and why “Can you make peace?” does not work. And also, let’s dwell on secondary trauma: why she is forced to talk again and again about the violence she experienced during the investigation and trial.
The recording of webinar 2 is available at the link. You need to go to the link and enter the code 7A?W%N2H . You can then select the recording language by clicking the globe-shaped button.
Presentation is available here:

Marta Chumalo is a Ukrainian gender expert, feminist, co-founder of the Women’s Perspectives Center, human rights activist, and psychologist with experience in helping victims of gender-based violence. For more than 25 years she has been working on gender equality and women’s rights in Ukraine and beyond.